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Straight Lockstitch Industrial and Commercial Sewing Machines, High Speed up to 5000SPM, Power Stand

Additional Information:
Standard bed size for opening in table tops is about 18-3/4" X 7.5" depending on whether you are measuring the machine dimensions or opening in table top. If your power stand is still working but the machine needs to be replaced, we have many Juki DDL models that will fit if the previous machine was a high speed straight stitch with oil pump nand oil pan. Upholstery machines take a different table top since most do not have oil pans.

Note: Bonded Polyester upholstery threads size #69 and up were designed for walking foot upholstery machines sewing primarily on exterior fabrics with size 20-25 needles. Juki, Brother, Consew, Pfaff, Reliable, Tacsew, Yamata and Singer high speed straight stitch industrial power stand machines and portable home sewing machines were designed for regular home sewing and quilting threads sewing primarily on interior fabrics with size 9-19 needles. Not to say that it cannot be done with the same 1/2-3/4HP motors, but the top thread diameter clearances around the rotary hook may be too close to prevent jamming with upholstery threads, even with size 19 needles. We recommend using bonded nylon and polyester upholstery threads only with portable walking foot and industrial sewing machines. John Douthat, Owner & Tech, AllBrands

Chandler CM8700 1-Needle High Speed Lockstitch Sewing Machine and KD Power Stand, up to 5000SPM, 5.5/13mm Foot Lift, 5mm Stitch Length, Auto Oil
Consew 277 RFS3 Heavy Duty, 46mm 10" Cylinder Arm Walking Foot Needle Feed Sewing Machine and Binder, 1/2" Lift, 4 SPI, Hook Oil, Power Stand 2200SPM
Consew 277RB-1 Heavy Duty, Drop Feed, Single Needle Walking Foot Lockstitch Sewing Machine with Motor
Consew 277RBFS Heavy Duty, Drop Feed, Single Needle Walking Foot Lockstitch Sewing Machine Assembled with Motor
Consew 287RB-2 Heavy Duty, Single Needle, Lockstitch Compound Walking Foot Needle Feed Sewing Machine Head, Safety Clutch, 2300SPM + Stand Options
Consew 315R2 Single Needle Feed Only Industrial Lockstitch Sewing Machine +Power Stand, 5000SPM, Auto Oil, 9/16" Foot Lift, 7SPI, Light Medium Fabrics
Consew 7360R-2SS High Speed Straight Lockstitch Industrial Sewing Machine, Stand, 5500SPM, Auto Oil, Knee Lever, Stainless steel bed plate
Consew 7360RB Ultra High Speed Single Needle Lockstitch Sewing Machine, Big M Lg. Bobbin, 1/4" Lift, 5SPI, Power Stand, 5000SPM, 100 Needles
Consew 7360RBATCWL(E)-1 Fully Automatic Ultra High Speed Single Needle Lockstitch Sewing Machine, Backtack, Thread Trim, Foot Lift, Lg Bobbin, Stand
Consew 7360RH-R SS High Speed Straight Lock Stitch Industrial Sewing Machine, 5mm Stitch Length, Auto Oil, Servo Motor Power Stand, up to 5000SP
Consew 7360RHATCWL(E)-1 Ultra High Speed HEAVY DUTY Single Needle Lockstitch Sewing Machine, Backtack, Thread Trim, Foot Lift, Assembled Power Stand
Consew 754R Heavy Duty 3.25" Cylinder Arm Needle Feed Industrial Sewing Machine, 16.5" Arm, 20mm Foot Lift, 2.5SPI, 800SPM, Space Saver Power Stand
Consew 756R-3 Extra Heavy Duty 3"Dia Cylinder Bed ,16" Long Arm Lockstitch Walking Foot Sewing Machine, 1" Foot Lift, Power Stand 1200SPM
Consew 757R Extra Heavy Duty 16" Compound Walking Foot Sewing Machine/Stand, 1" Foot Lift, 2.5SPI, 28092 Bobbin, Winder, Big Wheel, 1200SPM, 7x3Needle
Jiasew Real CS8700 High Speed Straight Lockstitch Sewing Machine 7x18-25/32" Bedsize (DDL8700) 11"Arm, 5.5/13mm Foot/KneeLift, KD*Power Stand 5500RPM
Jiasew Real KS8800DH-E2 Auto-trimmer Single Needle Direct Drive Lockstitch Industrial Sewing Machine Built-In Motor with Controller, Stand
Jiasew CS-0302 (Gemsy G0718, Hoseki HK628, New Star AE-0302CX) Walking Foot Sewing Machine, Top & Bottom Feed, Unassembled Power Stand, Motor
Juki DDL 9000C-FSH Full Digital Tension, Foot Lift, Pressure, Thread Trim, Back Tack, Stitch Length, Feed Height, Direct Drive, Assembled Table
Juki DDL-8100E Economy Straight Lockstitch Industrial Sewing Machine, Power Stand, Servo Motor, 11" Arm, 1/4-1/2in Foot LIft, 5mm Stitch Length
Juki DDL8700 Fully Assembled Ready To Sew Straight Stitch Sewing Machine, 7x18-25/32" Bedsize, Power Stand,11"Arm,1/2"Foot LIft,5mmSL,6SPI
Juki DDL9000CSMS Straight Stitch Sewing Machine, Stand, Auto: Trim, Backtack, Foot Lift, Needle Position, Servo Motor, Built In Control Panel, Not FMS
Juki DDL-9000BHS Heavy Duty Sewing Machine Dry Head-Only, Auto Trim, Backtack, Foot Lift, Needle Position, Servo Motor, AD141/CP18 Control Panel,100N*
Juki DDL-9000BSH Straight Lockstitch Industrial Sewing Machine with Stand, Auto Trim, Backtack, Foot Lift, Needle Position
Juki DDL9000C-FMS Full Digital Tension, Pressure, Foot Lift, Trimmers, BackTack, Needle Pos, Stitch Length, FeedHeight, DirectDrive, ControlBox, Table
Juki DDL-5550N High Speed Straight LockStitch Industrial Sewing Machine Head Only 7x18.5" Flat Bed Size Dimensions, Made in Japan
Juki DDL5550N Sewing Machine JAPAN. +Power Stand, Table & Motor, Fully Assembled Ready To Sew
Juki DDL-8100E Economy Straight Stitch Industrial Sewing Machine Head Only, 7x18-25/32" Bedsize, 11" Arm, 1/2" Foot LIft, up to 5mm Stitch Length 6SPI
Juki DDL8700 Straight Stitch Industrial Sewing Machine Head, 7x18-25/32" Bedsize, 11" Arm, 1/2" Foot LIft, up to 5mm Stitch Length 6SPI, 100 Needles
Juki DDL-8700 Straight Stitch Industrial Sewing Machine, Power Stand 5500SPM Servo Motor, 11"Arm, 1/2"Foot LIft, 5mm Stitch Length, Bonus 100 Needles
Juki DDL8700-7-WB AK CP18 Auto Backtack, Thread Trim, Foot Lift & Needle Positioner Industrial Sewing Machine, Bedsize 7x18-25/32" Servo Motor, Stand
Juki DDL8700-7-WB AK CP18 Auto Needle Positioner, Backtack, Thread Trim, & Foot Lift Sewing Machine, Stand, Servo Motor, Fully Assembled, Ready to Sew
Juki DLN 5410 Needle Feed Only Industrial Lockstitch Sewing Machine, Servo Motor, Table, L/T Leg Stand, Not K Legs
Juki DLN-9010-7S Direct Drive Needle Feed Only Industrial Lockstitch Sewing Machine DLN9010-7S, AutoTack, NeedlePosition, ThreadTrim, FootLift, Stand
Juki DU1181N Walking Foot Top and Bottom Feed Sewing Machine, Power Stand, Servo Motor, Auto Oil, up to 15mm Foot Lift and 9mm Stitch Length, Mbobbins
Juki DU1181N Walking Foot Top & Bottom Feed Sewing Machine Head Only, Auto Oil, Knee Lift, 15mm Foot Lift, 9mm Stitch Length, M Bobbin, No Stand/Motor
Juki J-150QVP (DDL-9000C-FMS+)12"Arm High Speed Digital Free Motion Drop Feed Sewing Machine, BuiltIn Direct Drive DC Motor&Control Box 2500SPM, Stand
Free Ground Shipping to the Contiguous USA
Juki DDL-5550N High Speed Straight Stitch Sewing Machine, 11" Arm, Auto Oil, 5mm Stitch Length, 6/13mm Foot Lift, Table Stand, Servo Motor
Juki LG-158-1 Single Needle 30" LongArm Walking Foot Needle Feef Sewing Machine +Power Stand LG158, 10mm SL, 7/8" Lift, Big M Bobbin, 100 DDx1 Needles
Juki LG-158-2 Double Needle 30" LongArm Walking Foot Sewing Machine, Std. Gauge, Servo Motor & Stand, 10mm SL, 7/8" Lift, LG Bobbin, 100 214x1 Needles
Juki LH-3528AGF 1/4" 2-Needle, Double Needle Feed, Heavy Spec, Lockstitch Sewing Machine, Power Stand, Servo Motor, 5-12mm Presser Foot Lift, 0-4mm SL
Juki LS-1341 Cylinder Bed Walking Foot Needle Feed Lockstitch Sewing Machine, Large M B/C & Hook, 16mm Foot Lift, 6mmS.L, 160mm Wheel, Stand* 2000SPM
Juki LU1508 Head Only Walking Foot Needle Feed Upholstery Sewing Machine, Top Mbobbin, 16mm Foot Lift, 9mm Stitch Length, Safety Clutch, ETA Fall 2021
Juki LU1508NS Walking Foot Needle Feed Upholstery Sewing Machine, Power Stand
Juki LZ391N, 11" Arm, Dial or Knee Lever for Zigzag Width up to 12mm, Straight Stitch or ZZ, Free Motion Sewing Machine, Servo Motor Power Stand
Juki LZH-1290 1-Needle, Lockstitch, 8mm Zigzag Stitching Machine with Large Hook, Assembled Power Stand, Servo Motor
Juki LZH-1290-7 10mm Zigzag Machine, Auto Backtack, Thread Trim, Foot Lift, Needle Position, Lg Hook, M Bobbins, Assembled Stand, Servo Motor 2000SPM
Juki MEB 3200J Trousers Keyhole Eyelet Buttonhole, Industrial Top Bottom Thread ChainStitch Sewing Machine, Panel, Stand, AutoCut, ThreadTrim FootLift
Juki MEB 3200S Jacket Keyhole Eyelet Buttonhole, Industrial Top&Bottom Thread ChainStitch Sewing Machine, Stand, Panel, Auto Cut, ThreadTrim, FootLift
Juki PLC-2760 Double Needle Post-bed Walking Foot Unison Needle Feed Machine Lg Hook, Set Up Servo Power Stand, Requires Air Compressor for Foot Lift
Juki TSH-471U 16.5" Longarm Unison Walking Foot Needle Feed Sewing Machine, Servo Motor Stand, 800SPM, 11mm Stitch for Heavy Materials
Juki TSC-441U 16.5" Longarm Unison Walking Foot and Needle Feed Sewing Machine, Servo Space Saver Stand, up to 800SPM, 11mm Stitch for Heavy Materials
Juki TSC-461 Super Long Arm 37.5" Cylinder Bed Single Needle Feed Walking Foot Sewing Machine TSC461, 11mmSL, 20mmLift, & Pedestal Power Stand 650RPM
LH-3528AGF 1/4" Double Needle Feed Lockstitch Industrial Sewing Machine LH-3128, Fully Assembled Ready to Sew, 5-12mmLift 4mmS.L, PowerStand 3000SPM
Reliable 3500SD Straight LockStitch Sewing Machine Drop Feed, Direct Drive Built In DC Servo Motor, 4500RPM, Stand
Reliable 5500SD High Speed Straight Stitch Industrial Sewing Machine, Auto Trim, Back Tack, Control Panel, BuiltIn Direct Drive Servo Motor Stand, LED
Rex 516M2-55RB 3 Thread Overlock, 2 Thread Safety Chain Stitch, 5 Thread Serger*
RB Refurbished
Rex REX8500 Single Needle Lockstitch Industrial High Speed Sewing Machine RX8500, Assembled Power Stand, 5500RPM, Auto Oil - FREE 100 16x231 Needles
Superior SO55 SewLube Sewing Machine Oil 55 Gallon Drum Barrel, for Juki and Industrial Sew Reservoir Pans, to Refill Tubes, Quarts, Gallon Containers
Yamata FS1341 10" Cylinder Arm Walking Foot Needle Feed Sewing Machine Head Only, 9/16mm Foot Lift, Knee Lever, M Bobbins, 135x17 Needles
Yamata FY LU1508NH Walking Foot Needle Feed Upholstery Machine for Leather Vinyl Canvas, Power Stand, Servo Motor
Yamata FY1510 Single Needle Walking Foot Lockstitch Machine
Yamata FY8700 High Speed Straight LockStitch Sewing Machine, Knocked Down Unassembled Power Stand +100 Bonus Needles!
Yamata FY8700 High Speed Straight LockStitch Sewing Machine Head Only
Yamata FY9300 High Speed Straight Stitch Sewing Machine Assembled Stand, Direct Drive Motor, Auto Undertrimmer, Needle Up/Down, Reverse, Stitch Length