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Sew Steady Westalee

Continuum Quilt Class in a Bag with Ann Moore

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Use Coupon Code ABRW101AM to Save 10% on your order

Discount Starts May 18, 2021 and will be available until June 1, 2021.

About Ann

I am a free motion quilting instructor who started free motion quilting a few years ago after I sent 2 quilts out to a long arm quilter. The long arm quilter did a beautiful job with a pantograph but I felt that I could not say I made this quilt myself, that a part of that quilt belonged to someone else. My mom says my first sentence was “I do it myself.” And that holds true today. I tell people that I piece quilts so I will have something to quilt. I was blessed to attend classes with an international instructor and before I knew it I was asked to teach free motion quilting. I started using rulers in my quilting a few years ago and learned about Westalee rulers at Houston Quilt Market in 2016 and was hooked. Teaching quilting with rulers was a natural progression and many students have even indicated that they find ruler work easier and certainly more fun.

I have entered my quilts in several shows and have won several awards. My quilts have earned multiple awards including Judge’s Choice, People’s Choice, Best Machine Quilting on a Domestic Machine, and Best in Show. I had a quilt juried in to show at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in 2021 and it won 2 awards including the Go Texan Award!

I live outside of Houston in the community of Huntsville, Texas with my husband Andrew. We have two sons, two daughters-in-law and three of the best grandchildren ever.

I am available for teaching, demonstrating at events and also as a speaker for quilt guilds. When I travel to a store and teach I like to walk through the store picking up items that I use. I talk to my students about these items in my lecture and the next thing I know they have slipped out of class to go buy these items before they are all gone. I am willing to travel throughout the U.S. and Canada and perhaps internationally although English is my only language.

Why Westalee Design Templates? “Westalee Rulers gives me precision and perfection in my quilting. It also pairs beautifully with free motion quilting.”