Eastman Machine Company is a prominent manufacturer of both manual and automated cutting equipment and the oldest manufacturing company in Buffalo, NY. Founded in 1888, Eastman revolutionized the apparel industry with the invention of the first electric cutting straight knife. Tedious cutting room labor was minimized, and production volume greatly increased. With maximum efficiency, brands like Levi Strauss & Co were able to take off. Almost five generations later, Eastman Machine manual equipment continues to be a staple in cutting rooms across the globe.
Note: When cutting vinyl or plastic type materials there is always some residue that will accumulate on the blade. One reason for this it is just the nature of the material and the other is from the blade speed. The speed of the blade will create heat and can melt the material. We sometimes recommend a slow speed motor when cutting material such as this. To help with this you can use a Teflon coated blade, which will help with residue buildup. It will not eliminate it but it will glide easier through the material. You can also use goo gone or acetone to clean the blade. Eastman Machine Company