Joe Armstrong
I started working on sewing Machines for my father in 1975. I remember that because Universal came out with the bicentennial machine in 1976. I was trained by Joe Moeise. One of my mentors, he was a good man! 3 years later I went to work for Wembley Industries the world's largest necktie manufacturing company in New Orleans. I knew then I was in this for the long haul. Todd Drummond was our head mechanic and took me under his wing! 3 years later I moved on to a company called Flex Con. It stands for flexible containers. Each one of these moves I knew I was learning valuable information so that was the plan. To learn as much as I could from each job and move on. My father said the hell with the gold watch!! So I kept moving!! Next stop was Hamco baby bibb company. Much more valuable information. Then I was hired in as head mechanic for Takata airbag company I'm Greenwood MS. Almost my dream job. Robotics and single cell manufacturing was taking hold. Oh what fun and many sleepless nights. I dreamed about sewing machines when I slept and fixed more of them there I think. We were ramping up airbag lines only to be shipped to Mexico. But my break came when a technician from M.J.Foley Co. was installing some programmable tackers and I was told to stick with his every move. He was impressed with my knowledge and went back to Michigan and told Mr. Foley that I would make.a good technician for them. So off to Michigan I went. My moves were more luck than strategy but this was the move I was looking for. For the next 15 years I traveled as a technical support specialist and outside service tech. Trained many technicians and installed sewing machines primarily for the automotive industry and furniture industry. Made many trips to Mexico and a few to Canada. Made lifelong friends that I love dearly. Many thanks to all of you. I have been blessed and lucky. I still love sewing machines now as much as I did back then!!