Specially recommended for those who start in the activity, have acquired an embroidery machine and wish autonomy. Includes a complete group of tools to create embroidery designs.

The modules included in Design MaxX round up the most complete application for those taking the first steps in professional embroidery. Watch the results you can achieve!

Design MaxX covers the most important needs: design storage, organization and format conversion, editing and advanced processing, one or several lines of text with customizable layouts, and a vast set of tools for creation of new designs. It also includes the ability to create designs from pictures or images, embroidery simulation, machine transfer, etc.
  • US Warranty 30 days replacement if defective.
  • Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor
Other Images

icon Use Arc & Bezier

icon Simulation View

icon Break Up Text to sections

icon Types of Corners

icon Underlay, Pull Compensation, Short Stitches

icon Stitch Vectors/Figures wo/Digitizing