*Organ HAx1SP Size 14 Recommended for Sergers on most weights of fabrics. Select BP Ball Point only for Knits, Regular Sharps are for woven fabrics. Ships from AllBrands warehouse or retail store in Baton Rouge LA, not drop shipped directly from Organ in NYC.

RETAIL means this page is for our RETAIL Stores and Stock, that are also shipped with new Serger in stock orders if they are aleady included.Click HERE to order needles for your existing serger, or add more needles or sizes to your order for a new serger when drop shipped directly from the manufacturer rather than from our stock. Recommended Size 14 is the default selection, unless you select Size 11, for lighter weight thread and fabrics, from the drop down menu.

This is a special version of the 15x1 for stretch or elastic materials and tightly woven knits. It is made to higher standards, it has a snake’s head shape due to a combination of a slightly bulged eye and a slightly reduced blade above the eye. The bulged eye opens a slightly larger space in the material and the thinner blade above the eye reduces contact between the material and the needle. This reduces needle heat-up and prevents skip stitches. It is also available in a light ball point to separate the fibers rather than cutting them, avoiding needle holes in the fabric.

For Babylock, Bernina, Brother, Elna, Juki, Pfaff, Singer, Viking, White and any home serger the uses flat shank rather than round shank needles.

Organ Needles are Chrome Plated (Finish).
Organ no longer labels “CF” Chrome Finish or “CP” Chrome Plate because that is the “default” finish for Organ Needles.
The same is true for Groz Beckert & Schmetz as they too don’t label all of their needles “CF” either.
Rest assured that if the needles are not “PD”(titanium), “CS”, “LP”, “HP”(non-stick), they are shiney Chrome by default. Organ