You must use a Ruler Foot when working with rulers and templates when stitching directly onto a quilt.

Ideally the Ruler Foot should measure ½" across the collar with the needle stitching at 1/4" from the ruler or template edge. This will make it easy to calculate spacings across a block or quilt.

Nolting, A1, Handy Quilter, Innova and Prodigy machines all have a true ½" round Ruler Foot. Gammil and APQS have a 9/16" Ruler Foot, which will stitch out at 9/32" from the ruler or template edge.

At Westalee Design we have been making all our templates since 2008 to suit both sizes.

Our templates are made Machine specific and you will achieve the same result for either sized foot.

We have Great News for Gammill owners!
We now manufacture a ½" round Ruler Foot to stitch a 1/4" from the template edge to be used with 1/4" or 3/8" thick templates. Made from stainless steel composite material, with good visibility from the front and back, supported at the sides, there is no way the Ruler Foot can slip under or over a template.

Quilting Ruler Foot and Template Set. This video is about the Westalee Designs Ruler Foot and Template Set Demo Project Offer. Information applies to all ruler feet and optional templates.

Ruler Foot Install Information and Procedures
Re: . I had questions about my purchase of a Gammill Ruler Foot and have tried, unsuccessfully, to contact the email address on the product ( I recently ordered and received the '1/2" Round Hopping Foot to suit Gammill'. I have a couple of questions:

*Here are my answers: Sew Steady Westalee*

Along with the foot, Hex Head Screw and Allen Key, I received a packet with 2 very tiny black screws and a thin Allen wrench, which I'm assuming are the Needle Grub Screw and Grub Screw driver - is this correct? – Yes, this is correct*
In the instructions, it says to replace the needle screw with the grub screw provided. Is the needle screw, the needle bar screw that holds the needle in place? If so, where does the needle grub screw go - it's so much smaller than the needle bar screw! – Yes, this is correct.* The smaller profile screw allows the customer to avoid contact with the hopping foot. If they’ve already a low profile enough needle grub screw, they can use it
Is there a video that shows how to do this process? – I’m afraid we do not currently have a video showing this installation*
I watched the video that shows how to set the hopping foot height and that seems very straightforward. It's the replacing of the needle screw with the grub screw that has me confused. Susan.

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icon Westalee 1/2" Diameter Ruler Foot For Gammill Longarm Quilting Machines