January 15, 2025

Stitching Fibers

Included in this Category:

Phillips Fiber Art BTT Braided Twist Tool and Book Combo by Cheryl Phillips, Made in USA

Phillips Fiber Art BTT, Braided Twist Tool and Book Combo by Cheryl Phillips, Made in USA

Phillips Fiber Art BTT Braided Twist Tool and Book Combo by Cheryl Phillips, Made in USA

Our Price: $49.99
Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored.

Shipping: Free Ground Shipping to the Contiguous USA
Availability: Usually leaves the warehouse in 2-3 business days.
Condition: New In Box


The Original Braided Twist Tool!!
This amazing tool comes with a book filled with amazing possibilities!!

The Beauty of the Braided Twist is its simplicity!
No Quilting, No Binding, No Handwork!!
How?... The magic is in hidden center seam!!

We've had some question of the size of our product. We only have one size at this time.

The size of our tool was selected based on several things.
1. The standard width of a tablerunner or placemat.
2. The size of Priority mailing envelopes limits the tool size to 14" long.
3. The ease of construction based on months of experimenting with various sizes.
The counterfeit companies currently offering other sizes have obviously never made those sizes. I've made tests and considering the fusible fleece and the twisting method, they just don't work!

Our tool creates the perfect size of table runner at a width of 13 1/2" wide and lengths of 34", 47"or longer. The finished placemat in our book is 13 1/2" x 20". The bonus blossom is a 30" x 30" circular table topper.

More Braided Twist VideosNew full tutorial--walks you through the entire process
Skip thru to find the topic you need with the Video Timeline
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.


Supply List: Are you teaching the Braided Twist? Here's a supply list!

Your Choice of fabrics
Single Sided Fusible Fleece
Fusible Web 1/4"
Standard Ruler 8 1/2" x 18 1/2" or longer
Rotary Cutter 45mm or larger
Small scissors
45 Degree Ruler (optional for 45 Twist)
60 Degree Ruler (optional for Bonus Blossom)
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