Persian Clamshell 1 . WT-PC-01 -1 1/2” points & 2” points
Persian Clamshell 2 .WT-PC-02 - 1'' points & 3” points
Squat Oval Clamshell 1. WT-SOC-1 - 3/4” x 1” squat ovals and 1” x 3” squat ovals
Squat Oval Clamshell 2.WT-SOC-2 - 3/4” x 1” squat ovals and 1/2” x 1 1/4” squat ovals
Clamshell 1. WT-CC-1 - 1/2” x 1” half circles and 1 1/2” x 3” half circles
Clamshell 2. WT-CC-2 - 1/2” x 1” half circles and 1/2” x 3” half circles
Oval Clamshell 1 . WT-OC-1 - 1” x 1” ovals and 3” x 3” ovals
Oval Clamshell 2 . WT-OC-2 - 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” ovals and 2” x 2” ovals
This does not include the ruler foot Sold Separately
Attention Bernina Owners: If you are currently using the Bernina #72 Ruler Foot, instead of the Westalee Ruler Foot, please specify that in the brand and model of machine question, or in the comments of your order, since that foot could require a different thickness of Westalee ruler.
Recommended Accessories

Sew Steady WT-QuiltedStar Westalee Quilted Star Ruler Pattern Download

Westalee Simple Ovals and Hexagons Template Ruler Choose Size Options/Pricing via drop menu

Westalee WA-STIL Stilletto (+$3.99)
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