No Punchcards Included, for Standard Gauge 4.5mm Knitting Machines: Silver Reed, Studio, Singer, Knitmaster SK280, SK360, SK700 Series, and SK840 Electronic. YC6 color changer will work on 3.6mm needle spacing SK270 and SK830 knitting machines if the sprocket wheels are changed from 4.5mm to 3.6mm. Available from or 360-892-2304. John Douthat, Owner and Tech.

The YC6 Yarn Changer can be used on both single and double bed combinations by changing the head angle. The YC6 allows you to switch any 2 yarns in the carriage feeder out of 4 yarns.

  • Suitable for most standard and fine gauge Silver/Reed knitting machines.
  • This yarn changer can be used on both single knitter and double bed with ribber machines by changing the head angle, and allows you to automatically select any two yarns out of four with the push of a button!
  • When the carriage moves all the way to the left end of the needle bed, the trip lever on the carriage arm activates the yarn changer and automatically exchanges one color for another.
  • The YC6 can automatically alternate any two colors row after row and you have the option of activating a third or fourth color at anytime by simply pressing a button.
  • The YC6 includes a single bed carriage arm for knitting stripes and multicolor tuck and slip patterns.
  • It also enables you to knit Fair Isle patterns where one color (background) remains constant while the other changes.
  • For double bed use, simply lift the trip lever on the ribber arm and enjoy a variety of colorful rib stitches and jacquards.
  • The yarn mast has separate guides for the four yarns and increased tension capabilities.
  • YC6 can be used on fine guage SK270 and SK830 with two 3.6mm plastic gears #062555269

    Yarn Changer 5 Used on the SK360 with SRP50 for Double Jacquard
    Here I show using the YC5 on the SK360/SRP50 for Double Jacquard. The YC6 can be used on the knitter only for striped material. Only the standard gauge machines have a yarn changer. Roberta Rose Kelley
  • US Warranty 90 Days labor on defects in materials and workmanship.
  • Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor
The YC6 yarn changer allows you to change yarn color at the press of a button. It holds 4 colors of yarn ready for use. Simply press the button holding the color you want to use and the carriage will pick it up as you pass across the bed.

The YC 6 is designed for use on both the single bed and the double bed (ribber added) machines by changing the head angle. You can also set this changer to automatically alternate between any 2 colors out of 4.