"Baby will be well and smiling in little garments made by Mother, Auntie, Grannie and loving friends!"
Please join me as I teach the old fashioned techniques and skills needed to sew baby clothes. I will begin at the very beginning and take you step by step as we sew a little baby garment together. I hope you will find much joy and pleasure in creating sweet little baby clothes. It's easy and it's fun!! I have just started a new sewing blog!! I plan to teach lessons on it that use my patterns. Please visit and see what you think!!
Our Price: $12.50 Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored.
Availability: ON BACKORDER
Condition: New In Box
- Baby Bonnets #1. Collection of five beautiful bonnets including Hanky Bonnet with Poem, "T"-Bonnet, Lacy Christening Bonnet, Little French Bonnet and Baby Boy Cap with Scalloped Brim and a chin strap. Size: Infant to 12 Months in one pattern.
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.
Our Price: $12.50 Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored.
Availability: Usually leaves the warehouse on the next business day.
Condition: New In Box
- Baby Bonnets #2 is a collection of four exquisite Bonnets which complement patterns "Sweet & Simple Daygown Collection" and "Baby Daydresses" .
Size: Infant to 12 Months in one pattern for Boy or Girl Baby
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.
Our Price: $13.99 Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored.
Availability: OUT OF STOCK
Condition: New In Box
Three beautiful and very Old Fashioned Daydresses for you to choose from. Two views feature tucks at the yoke and all are embellished with lace insertion and edging. A ruffled slip is included. Size: Infant, Six months to a Year included in one pattern.
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.
Our Price: $12.50 Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored.
Availability: ON BACKORDER
Condition: New In Box
Old Fashioned Baby Gowns is a Yoked pattern and includes a beautiful Gown, sweet Dress (not pictured), Slip, Bonnet and 36" long Christening Gown. The Christening Gown is fashioned after an antique and features a fabric ruffle at the yoke and hem. Perfect for Boy or Girl Baby.
Size: Infant & Six month in one pattern
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.
Our Price: $12.50 Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored.
Availability: ON BACKORDER
Condition: New In Box
Baby Layette has been our most popular pattern for over 10 years. It is a great pattern for those who like to create their own designs for their little ones. Daygowns can be tucked or left plain. Four different sleeves are included along with a Slip and Bonnet. Everyone who loves to sew Baby clothes should own this pattern. Size: Infa
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.
21905: Old Fashion Baby's Smocked Layette Sewing Pattern By Jeannie Baumeister |
Our Price: $12.50 Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored.
Availability: Retail Store Only
Condition: New In Box
Short Daydress with Madeira Scalloped Hem is pictured above.
This is a wonderful pattern for anyone who loves to Smock or wants to learn! This pattern is pleater compatable and includes pleating instructions and smocking instructions.
There is a small amount of smocking at the neck and sleeves accented with Bullion Rosebuds.
This pattern was fashioned after an antique and has that old fashioned look that is hard to achieve with most smocked garments. There is a long Daygown with long sleeves and a Bias neck which is perfect for Baby Boy or Girl. The short Daydress has 3/4 length sleeves and your choice of a Lacy Hem or a Madeira Scalloped Hem. The neck is finished with entredeux and lace.
All garments button down the back.
Size: Infant and 3-6 Months in one pattern
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.
Our Price: $12.50 Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored.
Availability: ON BACKORDER
Condition: New In Box
Best Embroidered Baby Clothes One pattern has three different dresses, and an Apron, all with wonderful embroidery designs. The Slip and Bonnet feature an antique embroider design.
Size: Infant, 6&12 Months.
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.
Our Price: $12.50 Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored.
Availability: Advance Orders Only. Please review the product description for complete details.
Condition: New In Box
Christening Bonnet collection has five lovely Bonnets suitble for any special occasion. Includes 2 easy designs that tie in the back.
Size: Infant to 12 Months in one pattern for Boy or Girl Baby
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.
Our Price: $12.50 Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored.
Availability: Advance Orders Only. Please review the product description for complete details.
Condition: New In Box
Christening Bonnet collection has five lovely Bonnets suitble for any special occasion. Includes 2 easy designs that tie in the back.
Size: Infant to 12 Months in one pattern for Boy or Girl Baby
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.
Our Price: $13.99 Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored.
Availability: Advance Orders Only. Please review the product description for complete details.
Condition: New In Box
Christening Collection has christening gown, 5 lovely bonnets and a slip suitable for any special occasion. Includes 2 easy designs that tie in the back.
Size: Infant to 12 Months in one pattern for Boy or Girl Baby
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.
Our Price: $12.50 Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored.
Availability: OUT OF STOCK
Condition: New In Box
Size : Infant to 18 lbs
Smocked Baby Clothes pattern features
Long Daygown, Boy Sleeve ,Pretty Baby Dress and Smocked Bonnet
All designs included in one pattern
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.
Our Price: $12.50 Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored.
Availability: Usually leaves the warehouse on the next business day.
Condition: New In Box
Sweet & Simple Daygown Collection Pattern. This is the Sweetest little Daygown you ever saw. And it is sooo easy to make! It features two tucks on either side of the front placket on all four of the views. Shown in photo is the Classic Long sleeve for Boy or Girl Baby. Sleeves and Embroidery Designs are interchangeable to create many different Daygowns!!
Size: Infant to 18 lbs.
View 4 - Short Boy Sleeve with Peter Pan collar with Shadow Embroidery, View 3 - Lacy 3/4 Length Girl Sleeve and elbow length , View 1 - Classic Cuff Sleeve. Slip included and four different embroidery designs.
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.
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