Betsey/Joey Shorts Pattern by Nanoo Designs for boys and girls has lots of possibilities. Included are instructions for a non reversible and reversible style in three lengths plus options for ribbon ties, side stripes, ruffles or trim. Included with the instructions for this easy to make pattern are lots of pictures of completed styles to help stir your creativity.

Included with patterns sizes 1 through 4 are 29 pages of instructions, over 100 pictures illustrating each step and pictures of completed shorts in the different styles.

Copyright: The pattern and information in this eBook are for personal, at-home use only. Please do not share or distribute any portion of this eBook with others. Any reproduction of this book, instructions, photos, and/or any of its contents in any form is strictly prohibited and protected by U.S. and International Copyright laws. Individual garments made using this pattern may be sold by independent seamstresses. Not for mass production.