March 4, 2025

The Complete Guide To Treadle Sewing Machines Book by Reuben Doyle

The, Complete, Guide, To, Treadle, Sewing, Machines, Book, by, Reuben, Doyle

Our Price: $19.99
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Availability: OUT OF STOCK
Condition: New In Box


No need to get frustrated with your treadle sewing machine. Normally the old treadles no longer have instruction books with them, therefore it's up to the owner to try to figure things out. Even a basic thing like putting on a new belt is an impossible task when you don't know where to begin and what steps to take to get it in the right position and secured properly.

As a sewing machine repair person for over twenty five years, I’ve seen almost every problem that can happen with your home sewing machine.
I’ve seen women so frustrated with their new found treadle sewing machine that they were ready to set it aside for looks only, just because they couldn’t figure out how to use or operate it. Normally the old treadles no longer have instruction books with them, therefore it’s up to the owner to try to figure things out. Even a basic thing like putting on a new belt is an impossible task when you don’t know where to begin and what steps to take to get it in the right position and secured properly.
If you stop and think about it, the treadle machine is the machine all sewing machines of today were modeled after. The electric motor was added to take the place of the foot power of the treadle machines. The shuttle was changed from the bullet style to the present style of a small round flat shuttle directly under the feed dog and needle bar, etc.

I’ve had many requests to try to locate an instruction manual for treadle sewing machines, to no avail. After years of request after request for information on treadle sewing machines, I was finally talked into writing a book of general instruction for the treadle machine. Keep in mind that there are many different styles, brands and manufacturers of treadle sewing machines, and some are made in other countries. With that in mind, I could not include each of them specifically and cover the small differences they each may have, therefore this book is written in a “generic” style so that the information could be applied to any treadle machine.
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.


Your sewing machine is a wonderfully useful machine when working properly, a frustrating, confusing monster when it's not. Oddly, a vast majority of machines sent to repair shops for repairs, could be repaired at home with little or no technical knowledge.

The first thing to remember is not to panic! Don't let your frustration get in the way of your good sense. Depending on the type of problem you're having, the following suggestions may be of immediate help to you.

TENSION: As you change projects and start sewing on different weight materials, you should test stitch on a piece of scrap material of the same weight before beginning the actual project so you can adjust your upper tension to that particular fabric. As an example, if you're changing from a denim type fabric to a silky fabric, you would definitely want to make sure the tension is correct and the stitching looks right before you start to sew the garment.

To determine whether the upper tension is too tight or too loose for the fabric you're wanting to use, try the following test. Take a small scrap of the fabric, fold it, and stitch a line ON THE BIAS of the fabric, using different colors of thread in the bobbin and on top. Grasp the bias line of stitching between the thumb and the index finger. Space the hands about 3 inches apart and pull with an even, quick force until one thread breaks. If the broken thread is the color of the thread in the needle, it means that the upper tension is too tight. If the broken thread is the color of the bobbin thread, the upper tension is too loose. If both threads break together and take more force to break, it means that the tensions are balanced.

BOBBIN: The most probable cause of the lower thread breaking is an improperly wound bobbin. Regardless of where you wind the bobbin, inside the machine, on the top of the handwheel or on the front side near the hand wheel, the basic "bobbin" rules apply.

** Always start with an empty bobbin. Never wind one color over another color.
** Don't wind the bobbin so full that it would be tight and hard to insert into the bobbin case. Most machines have an automatic "shut off" when the bobbin gets full, but if yours does not, be careful not to fill it too full.
** Wind the bobbin evenly across and in level layers.
** Never mix different sizes of thread in the bobbin and on the spool, unless you're doing sewing machine embroidery or some specialty type of sewing. Using different weights of thread on the spool and in the bobbin for general sewing will cause ragged stitches as well as other stitching problems.

NEEDLE: Probably 25% of machine repair jobs I go out on, the only problem was that the needle was put in backwards. I know you're probably saying "I've been sewing most of my life and I know how to put the needle in the machine"; however many times a seamstress will get in a hurry and not give the needle a second thought when putting a new one in the machine. If your machine will not pick up the bottom thread or skips stitches badly, in most cases it's because the needle is in wrong.

Each sewing machine requires that the "flat" side of the needle be put in a specific way - facing the front, the back, etc., depending on your particular make and model. If you have a sewing machine that takes a needle that doesn't have a flat side, you'll notice that each needle has a groove in it where the thread lays as it penetrates the fabric. Depending on whether your machine shuttle system faces to the front or to the left, the groove of the needle will also face front or left.

MACHINE THREADING: An additional area to check for stitching problems is whether the sewing machine is threaded properly. Each machine has a certain sequence for threading, and it only takes one missed step in the sequence to cause your machine to skip stitches. If you're in doubt, take the top thread completely out and start all over again.

Many times it's the small things that cause frustration and loss of sewing time. Taking just a few minutes before starting a project to make sure everything is in order can save hours of "down" time, not to mention frayed nerves and the possibility of having to take the machine to the repair shop unnecessarily.
There never seems to be enough hours in the day to do all that we have to do. The last thing a sewer needs when she sits down at her sewing machine is to have everything go wrong! The needle breaks, thread jams in the bobbin area or keeps skipping stitches or a number of other frustrating problems that keep the project from being completed. These problems happen to the novice sewer as well as the seasoned pro, and while we would like to blame the sewing machine and perhaps "throw it out the window", there are measures the home sewer can take to correct most problems or even prevent them from happening in the first place.

The sewing machine needle is probably the number one cause of problems for sewers and crafters. This may sound silly, but the first thing to check when having stitching problems is whether the needle is in backwards. Oh, I know you're saying "I've been sewing most of my life and I know how to put the needle in the machine", but in about 25% of the sewing machine repair jobs I go out on, the only problem was that the needle was put in backwards. If your machine will not pick up the bottom thread or skips stitches badly, in most cases it's because your needle is in wrong.

Each sewing machine requires the "flat" side of the needle be put in a specific way - facing the front, the back, etc., depending on your particular make and model. Sewers in a hurry to get a project done may simply insert the needle and not pay attention to the position of the flat side, and immediately begin having problems. If by chance you have a sewing machine that takes a needle that doesn't have a flat side, you'll notice that each needle has a groove in it where the thread lays as it penetrates the fabric. Depending on whether your machine shuttle system faces to the front or to the left, the groove of the needle will also face front or left.

A needle that is dull, bent, or simply the wrong size or type can cause major sewing problems. Just because the needle "looks good" doesn't mean that it is good. A small "snag" on the tip of the needle can cause runs in the fabric, and even a slightly bent needle won't sew properly. A good rule of thumb would be to change the machine needle before each new project, and, because some fabrics and fabric finishes can increase wear on the needle, you may need to change the needle during the project if you notice stitching problems beginning to appear.

Always use the right size needle for the type of fabric you're sewing. I've seen sewers trying to sew denim with a fine lingerie type needle simply "because the needle was in the machine and still a good needle", and others trying to sew fine fabrics with needles that are much too large. A needle too fine for heavy fabric can bend or break when it hits the fabric, while too large a needle for the fabric can make puncture holes in the fabric and also cause the thread to pull unevenly while stitching. Do yourself a huge favor and check the machine needle before you begin any new project. The second thing to check is the thread itself. We have found that "cheap" thread is definitely not a bargain! The fibers of the "bargain" thread splits easily while you're sewing and can cause knotting of the thread, breakage of the thread and can also cause a build-up of lint in the bobbin area and along the thread line from the spool to the needle. If you hold a length of the bargain thread up to a light you can readily see the frayed edges and roughness of the thread. Stick to a good quality thread and you'll minimize the potential problems.

An additional area to check for stitching problems is whether the sewing machine is threaded properly. Each machine has a certain sequence for threading, and it only takes one missed step in the sequence to cause your machine to skip stitches. If you're in doubt, take the top thread completely out and start all over again.

Many times it's the small things that cause much frustration and loss of sewing time. Taking just a few minutes before starting a project to make sure everything is in order can save hours of "down" time, not to mention frayed nerves and the possibility of having to take the machine to a repair shop unnecessarily.

Reuben Doyle, a sewing machine repairman for over 25 years has written "Sewing Machine Repair for the Home Sewer" and "Serger Repair for the Home Sewer" for those who would like to end the frustration of interrupted sewing projects and unnecessary trips to the repair shop. Each book contains problem/solution scenarios, expert tips on maintaining your sewing machine or serger, and information that sewing machine repairs shops don't want you to know!

Old Style Treadle Sewing Machine with Spindle Bobbin - (How To). Here is an informative on a treadle sewing machine from Singer. Learn how to thread, load the bobbin and get going with these old-style classic sewing machines.

Great Knit Texture And Color Techniques By Threads

Great Knit Texture And Color Techniques By Threads

Our Price: $19.99
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Availability: Usually leaves the warehouse on the next business day.
Condition: New In Box


Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.

Singer Upholstery Basics Plus book, by Steve Cone, Paperback, 160 Pages, 300 Illustrations

Our Price: $15.99
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Availability: Usually leaves the warehouse in 2-3 business days.
Condition: New In Box


The most comprehensive, user-friendly upholstery book on the market just got better!

Over its lifetime, SINGER Upholstery Basics has sold nearly 150,000 copies. Now, with five new projects and an entirely fresh presentation, SINGER Upholstery Basics Plus is truly the best book for beginners and seasoned upholstery buffs alike. All the basic upholstery techniques are taught. Projects include all styles of chairs or couches, stools, different styles of ottomans, a bench, and a headboard. Some projects are built-from-scratch items that require only simple carpentry skills for building the frames. Others show the complete process of stripping, repairing, and reupholstering old furniture pieces to like-new condition. Large color photos of the step-by-step instructions set this book apart from all the others.

300+ photos show the techniques in great detail, plus 5 new projects Projects are practical and most representative of the types of furniture pieces usually reupholstered or constructed from scratch Hidden wire-o binding keeps the book open flat while you work
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.


Author: Steve Cone
Format: Paperback, 160 Pages
Publisher: Creative Publishing international
Illustrations: 300 illustrations.
Published: September 1st 2007
ISBN: 9781589233294

Creative Publishing Singer: The New Sewing Essentials Book Paperback 144 Pages

Our Price: $13.99
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Availability: Usually leaves the warehouse in 2-3 business days.
Condition: New In Box


The number-1 requested sewing book just got better

Ideal for sewing enthusiasts of all skill levels, this book uses photos and clearly written text to demonstrate all the basic sewing techniques needed for sewing clothes and home décor items.
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.


Author: Editors of Creative Publishing
Format: Paperback, 144 Pages
Item: 151241
ISBN: 9781589234321
Publisher: Creative Publishing international
Series: Singer
Size: 8.5 x 11 x .43
Weight: 1.313 lb.
Published: November 1st 2008

Singer Complete Photo Guide to Sewing - Revised + Expanded Edition book, by Editors of Creative Publishing, Paperback, 352 Pages, 1200 Illustrations

Our Price: $18.99
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Availability: Usually leaves the warehouse in 2-3 business days.
Condition: New In Box


The Complete Photo Guide to Sewing – Revised is the one reference every sewer needs. Its 352 pages and 1100 photographs cover every aspect of fashion and décor sewing. Sections include choosing the right tools and notions, using conventional machines and sergers, fashion sewing, tailoring, and home décor projects. Included are step-by-step instructions for basic projects like pillows, tablecloths, and window treatments. Sewers from beginners to the skilled will turn to this book again and again.
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.


Author: Editors of Creative Publishing
Format: Paperback, 352 Pages
Publisher: Creative Publishing international
Series: Complete Photo Guide
Illustrations: 1200 illustrations.
Published: January 1st 2009
ISBN: 9781589234345

Silver Reed Introduction to Machine Knitting DVD Video also for same Singer, Studio, Knitmaster, Empisal Models

Needle Tek, Knitting Instructional DVD Video, Silver Reed, Studio, Singer, Elna, Punch Card, Knitter Machines, Silver Reed, Introduction to Machine Knitting, DVD Video, for all Machines,: Silver Reed, Studio, Singer Elna, Knitmaster,  Brother, Knitking, Artisan, Knitters

Our Price: $49.99
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Availability: Usually leaves the warehouse in 2-3 business days.
Condition: New In Box


Covers set up, getting started, cast on cast off techniques, that would apply to any brand and model of metal, single bed, flatbed kniting machines.

If you would rather order the Susan Guagliumi LK150 Video for the same price, you must order from this link, or the one below under Recommended Accessories

Extended US Warranty: 30 days replacement if defective.
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.

Singer and the Sewing Machine A Capitalist Romance! Rare Book that was Out Of Print

Singer and the Sewing Machine: A Capitalist Romance, Issac Singer, Ruth Brandon

Our Price: $49.95
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Availability: Usually leaves the warehouse on the next business day.
Condition: New In Box


A provocative look into the life of Isaac Merritt Singer, both his public glory and private controversy as one of America's industrialist icons in the 1800's. Hard Bound Book

Women, booze, illegitimate children, fraud, bigamy, 19th-century capitalism, and the emergence of an empire . . . . These words describe the life of Isaac Merritt Singer. Although widely regarded as the inventor of the sewing machine, Singer actually modified an existing machine and marketed it to an America eager for the new tools of the Machine Age. His genius was in the advertising, service with a smile, installment plans, and marketing gimmicks he used to get the sewing machine in homes and sweatshops all over the world. This fascinating and detailed biography provides an insightful and provocative look at the American entrepreneur, unraveling a complex web of personal ambition, fame, fortune, and the attainment of the American Dream. Illustrated.

The sewing machine was invented, or so he claimed, by Isaac Merritt Singer. In 1905 and 1906, long after his death, his eldest son, William Singer, retailed what he knew of Isaac’s life in a series of letters to his half-sister Winnaretta, by then Princesse de Polignac. Being thirty-one years older than Winnaretta, William had had considerably more acquaintance with their father. He was, however, rather reticent. ‘It would deeply interest you to know all his wonderful and very unusual history, but it better not be on paper. When we meet I will tell you if you wish,’ he wrote.

So begins the story of Isaac Singer and his wonderful sewing machine, his several wives, many mistresses and twenty-four children. Beginning on the semi-wild frontier of upstate New York, Singer’s story ends in a Torquay palace, taking in en route his canary-yellow coach with nursery compartment and orchestra, the invention of hire purchase and interchangeable parts, high(ish) life in New York and Paris, and Isadora Duncan …

‘Marvelous … That such a spectacular complex of history, mechanics, and human comedy should have gone so long without a chronicler is astonishing … A treasure’ – Eve Auchincloss, Washington Post

‘Thanks to Ruth Brandon’s brilliant book, surely the best by far to be written … about any capitalist entrepreneur or his enterprises, [Singer's] wonderful history is on paper at last.’ Alistair Forbes, Spectator

Singer sewing machines, Coats & Clark thread, and Schmetz needles, the trifecta of sewing essentials for over 100 years each. As well written by Rita Farro as a NYT article.
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.

Singer Quantum XL5000 Instructional Video and Free Downloadable Workbook Applicable to XL6000 Owners

Singer, Quantum, XL-5000, 6000, Instructional, Video, Work, book

Our Price: $49.99
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Shipping: Free Ground Shipping to the Contiguous USA
Availability: OUT OF STOCK
Condition: New In Box


  • This is a wonderful tool to add. It goes through the features on your XL5000 (applicable to XL6000) to give you a better understanding of your machine with projects to complete and put in the book. Keep as a reference for settings on the projects you complete. See some of the pictures below:
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.


Downloadable Workbook

Silver Reed Instructional DVD Video for LK150 Mid Gauge 6.5mm 150 Needle Knitting Machine, by Susan Guagliumi

Silver, Reed, Instructional, DVD, Video, Work, shop, LK150, Mid, Gauge, 6.5, mm, Knitting, Machine, Silver, Reed, Singer, Studio, Knit, Master, Susan, Guagliumi

Our Price: $59.99
Prices are subject to change, and only current prices will be honored.

Availability: Usually leaves the warehouse in 2-3 business days.
Condition: New In Box



This DVD video shows you how to set up, cast on, cast off and how to use the tools that come with the machine.

  • The Studio LK-150 is a versatile, dual gauge knitting machine that allows you to use a wide range of yarns to produce lightweigh skirts and chunky sweaters all on the same bed.

  • This video will take you through the Studio LK-150 step-by-step to help you enjoy your knitting machine to its fullest potential. You'll learn the basics like casting on, increasing, decreasing, stripes, and plaiting. Then you'll learn to knit cords, cables, lace, and fancy pattern stitches. We'll take you through all the steps of knitting and assembling a sweater. In addition, there are lessons on Intarsia knitting and Weaving techniques.

  • You can stop your video and rewind anytime that you have a question. In addition, the LK-150 manual is cross referenced to the video with page numbers that appear on the screen.

  • The LK-150 is fun to use and this step-by-step video makes it easier than ever! The Education Department at VWS and your local Studio dealer are dedicated to ehlping you learn to use your LK-150 for years of creative, easy knitting.

    See Susan Guagliumi Webpage and Photo Gallery

Extended US Warranty: 30 days replacement if defective.
Non-US Warranty: 30 days parts and labor.
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