*Alternative Part Numbers Include 616513, 100376051, 111533200, 100376-053, SA159, sa163, 4160555-01, A9117-007-000 & H12413002 (AC 48794B657074, 48794B657084)

  • Fits Singer 20U, Consew 2033, Artidsan 2053, Yamata 20U63
  • Fits most high speed straight stitch and zigzag industrial sewing machines except upholstery machines
  • Fits brother PQ1500, Juki TL-98, Janome 1600P high speed, straight stitch portable sewing machines
  • Fits Riccar and domestic rotary machines.
    Fits Alphasew model P20U33-3.

    Fits Baby Lock models BL3000, BL4000, BL5000, BL7000, BLQP, EMP6, BMP6, BMP8, and Quilter's Choice Professional(BLQCP).

    Fits Bernina Bernette models 330, 340, 430, 440, and 1000.

    Fits Brother model PQ-1500 and PQ-1500S

    Fits Consew models 99, 103, 105, 199R, 210, 220, 230, 231, 2230 and 292.

    Fits Elna models 100, 101, 102, 103, 104 and 1000.

    Fits Juki models TL98Q, TL98QE, DDL-227, DDL-555, DDL-5530, and DDL-5550.

    Fits Riccar models 414, 500, 515, 525, RM540, R551, R552, 606, 650, R700, R751, 805, 888, 2600, 2950, 3400, 3600, 4001, 4003, 8400, 8500, 9150, 9160, 9600, 9700, 9800, 9900, 2800/3300, 2900/3500, 555FA, 666FA, 800R, 806/807, 808E, 906E, RE571, RE581/RE591, and RM570.

    Fits Singer models 115-1, 188K, 191D300A, 20U, 20U13, 20U33, 206K, 206K25, 251, 281, 306K, 306K25, 306W, 319, 319K, 491D200, 491D300, 591D200A, and 591D300A.
*Compatible with Babylock Sewing Machine Models:
BL500A (Jane), BL3000, BL4000, BL5000, BL5020, BL7000, BLQP, EMP6 & Nouvelle 1500S

Compatible with Bernette Sewing Machine Models:
320, 330, 340, 430 & 440

Compatible with Bernina Sewing Machine Models:
1000, 1000+ & 1001.

Compatible with Brother Sewing Machine Models:
8015, PQ1500, PR-600II, PR-620, XL700 & XL703.

Compatible with Consew Sewing Machine Models:
210, 220, 230, 2230, 231, 99, 103, 105, 292 & 199R.

Compatible with Elna Sewing Machine Models:
100, 101, 102, 103, 104 & 1000.

Compatible with Husqvarna Viking Sewing Machine Models:
2780, 2840 & Mega Quilter.

Compatible with Juki Sewing Machine Models:
DDL-555, DDL-227, DDL-5530, DDL-5550, TL-98E, TL-98P, TL-98Q, TL-98QE, TL-2000Qi & TL-2010Q.

Compatible with Necchi Sewing Machine Models:
543 & Mirella.

Compatible with Pfaff Sewing Machine Models:
1200 Grand Quilter.

Compatible with Some Rotary Kenmore Sewing Machine Models.

Compatible with Riccar Sewing Machine Models.
777, R550, R570, R572, R650, R651, R751, RE571, RE640 & 2900.

Compatible with Singer Sewing Machine Models:
20U, 20U73, 20U73B, 20U83 and 20U83B, 251, 281, 20U33, 319, 206K, 306K & 306W.

Compatible with Riccar Sewing Machine Models:
414, 420, 500, 515, 525, 551, 555FA, 606, 666FA, 800R, 805, 806, 807, 808E, 888, 906E, 2600, 2800, 2900, 2950, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3600, 4001, 4003, 8400, 8500, 9150, 9160, 9600, 9700, 9800, 9900, R551, R552, R650, R651, R750, R751, RE571, RE570, RE580, RE581, RE591, RE640, RM540 & RM570.

Compatible with White Sewing Machine Models: