Why So Many Feet? Let’s Step Up Your Sewing Game!

Bernina’s got a presser foot for every sewing adventure! With the right foot, your stitches will be smoother, your creativity will soar, and your projects will look like they came straight from a pro. Plus, you’ll stitch faster and with more fun than ever!

Join us for a day of hands-on sewing as we dive our favorite Bernina presser feet. You’ll get the chance to try them out for yourself, see live demos, and explore exciting techniques and creative ideas that’ll level up your sewing skills.

As a bonus, attendees will enjoy exclusive discounts on Bernina products!
Instructor: Kara Sanders

Location: 3010 W Anderson Ln
Suite K Austin, TX 78757
Directions and virtual tour
AllBrands Sewing & More is NOW OPEN in Creekside Square Shopping Center!