*GP General Purpose Needles made by Read Pleaters in SOUTH AFRICA for Amanda Jane 16 and 24 Row Pleaters Made in Australia and for Sally Stanley 24 Row made in South Africa.

"Please change all of your needles at the same time so that you are not using old needles with new needles, especially if these are from a different source than where the last needles came from." John

Note: If changing from original Amanda Jane or Stanley Pleater needles, be sure to change all of the needles at once, so they are compatible! (same shape, weight and length)

  • Allbrands.com now offers you the opportunity to buy high quality, premium pleater needles.
  • These all steel needles are made in South Africa, England, and Australia and can be used on all pleater brands that we carry, except the New Style Read 24 and 32 Row.
  • They are designed for use with hand quilting thread that will hold the pleated fabric together while not breaking the thread.
  • The pleater needles are available in quantities of 16, 24, or 32 for your particular brand and model of pleater which you must specify below.
  • Some needles are interchangeable between different brands of 16 and 24 needle pleaters and some are not.
  • Therefore, please make sure that you specify so that we can make sure that we get you the correct needle.
  • The Sally Stanley Company is no longer in business & the needles are not available. You may use Amanda Jane needles in your S.S. Pleater, but you must first remove all other needles first.

Removing and Inserting needles in a smocking pleater